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Save The Memories Welcomes You

Alzheimer's Awareness


Save The Memories at a Glance

My grandmother was diagnosed with Alzheimer's at the age of 72. As the disease advanced I had to help take care of her at home. Eventually, as a family, we had to make the difficult decision to place her in a 24-hour care facility. Since then I have been volunteering and raising awareness and donations to further Alzheimer's research.


Alzhiemer's Facts

Did you know...

By 2050, nearly 14 million (13.8 million) Americans over age 65 could be living with the diseases
Alzheimer's is the most under-recognized threat to public health in the 21st century
There over 10 million new cases of dementia each year worldwide, implying one new case every 3.2 seconds
Symptoms of the disease can develop in people as young as age 30
Alzheimer's disease is the only one of the top 10 causes of death in the U.S. without any methods for preventing, curing, or even slowing it down
1 in 10 people aged 65 and over (10%) has Alzhemier's disease 

What We Do

Making A Difference

Spread Awareness

Help me spread the word! You can do this by participating in local Alzheimer's walks and volunteering. Also, spread knowledge and facts about the disease on social media platforms.

Raise Donations

You can either donate to the national organization or my charitable giving account. Any money donated will go directly to Alzheimer's research, hopefully finding a cure for the disease.

Make an Impact

Every person has the chance to help in finding a cure. Volunteering, sharing the message, and donating all make a great impact. Be a part of the movement that discovers a cure.


"We remember their love, when they can no longer remember"

- Alzheimer's Association


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